Electric bicycles have gained a lot of popularity in recent years, and for good reason. They are durable, convenient, and allow you to travel faster and farther.
Many people wonder whether you have to keep pedaling all the time when riding an electric bicycle or if it will charge while riding.
Generally speaking, electric bicycles do not charge while pedaling. However, there are a few exceptions.
For some models, you don’t have to keep pedaling; you can stop pedaling at any time, and the bicycle will continue to move.
However, you cannot stop pedaling for too long, as the battery will eventually run out.
There are models where the throttle allows for riding without the need to pedal, which of course shortens the distance you can travel.
Despite similarities to regular motorcycles, there is one obvious difference in electric bicycles, namely the electric motor. However, it’s simpler than it might seem. An electric bike consists of 2 main elements, which are the battery and the motor:
Battery — determines how far you can go. More expensive batteries have a larger charge, and therefore their range is greater.
Motor — controls the torque. The more advanced the electric motor, the greater the torque it offers. The greater the torque you have, the more power you can extract from the electric bicycle.
Can an electric bicycle be used like a regular bicycle?
It depends on the type of e-bike. There are two options: pedal-assist and throttle.
Pedal-assist bicycles require pedaling to engage the electric motor, whereas throttle bicycles allow you to twist the throttle and ride on battery power alone. There are also bicycle models that have both options.
If you have a pedal-assist electric bicycle, you can use it like a regular bicycle. However, if you have a throttle e-bike, you cannot use it as a normal bicycle when using the throttle, that is, you cannot simultaneously press the throttle and pedal.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Bicycles
Using an electric bicycle with regenerative braking has many advantages, it might be the perfect option for you, depending on what you are looking for in an e-bike.
- Brake pads and braking equipment on a bicycle with regenerative braking are used less and therefore require less maintenance.
- Increases the range of the electric bicycle, allowing you to travel greater distances.
- Fuel and energy savings.
- Easier to climb hills.
- The greater mass and size of the electric bicycle make it harder to maneuver.
- The energy recovery braking system is not as effective at lower speeds, as braking at a lower speed does not require a lot of energy. Consequently, less energy will charge the battery.
- Brakes operate differently in electric bicycles with energy recovery. As a result, more force must be applied to the brakes to stop in time.

Electric bicycles enable fast movement both in the city and off-road. Riding does not require much effort compared to regular bicycles, for example, when climbing hills or riding off-road, which means we can be more relaxed during riding, but at the same time lead an active lifestyle.
An electric bicycle allows you to free yourself from using a car in many situations, and you don’t have to be an extreme athlete to get where you want.
Electric bicycles give you almost all the benefits of riding a regular bicycle, but with increased power, because you can ride faster, easier, and with more pleasure.